Salsa Garden

Visual Diary of our Salsa pictures taken daily! Check back often to see how the garden grows. :)

New pics!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 5 American Idol - April 28, 2009

I think I'm getting later and later with these notes. Sorry! :) Also, if you saw the show there really is no need for a recap, but here we go. Also, if you live under a rock don't watch the show, you might not know that last week 2 contestants were sent home, Lil and Anoop, hence the jump from Top7 to Top 5. Just wanted to throw that in there before getting started.

This week's theme was Rat Pack Standards. I was excited when I found out, b/c I absolutely love that music. To me it's relaxing and classy and intriguing and fun and safe. Safe as in it's easy to feel protected when you listen to it. Needless to say, when I heard internet chatter such as "What's the Rat Pack? Is that a band?" or "Those were songs I listened to when I was growing up. This show needs to get with the times!" or "Who is Dean Martin?" I was absolutely blown away. This music is timeless and doesn't need to be "lost." So what did the contestants find? Here we go:

Kris Just the Way You Look Tonight - I'm not a very good sport at this. My initial reaction is to criticize everything this kid does. Like: He and Ryan were twins tonight. He should have shaved. What has he done so wrong that he feels the need to dedicate every song to his wife? But then again, we all know that I think like this b/c he is a threat to the person I'm pulling for. Being one of my favorite songs ever, it wasn't bad. And I liked how he worked the mic and stand. (Until it looked like he was carrying luggage around.) Ok, ok... I have to say he's definitely got a shot at being Top 3. Why do people refer to him as the dark horse? No clue. 

Allison Someone to Watch Over Me - Gotta say I loved her hair. She's definitely got the rocker look going on, but she looked a little more sophisticated with the dark tones. I liked the song, too, and would like to see her advance, if only for the sake of being the last woman standing. What bothers me though, is how she responded to Simon's question. Instead of going on and on about her vocals, he quite simply asked her if she thought she can win the competition. The look on her face said it all: "No, I don't think I can win." The crowd came to her rescue by cheering her on and then instead of answering she gave the PC answer of, "I think we've all got a chance." Sweetheart--you don't all have a chance. It's called American Idol. Only one can win the crown. One more thing. If you're feeling a little sorry for her b/c she is the only gal left, or b/c of her age, or b/c she consistently gets criticized (but not as much as Lil), read this short bio. Allison Iraheta-Mahalo

Matt My Funny Valentine - This is a hard song to sing. Just like "Happy Birthday" is hard to sing. It's slow. For me, it's not something that I really hope is playing when I turn on the radio. Matt, to me, is definitely not the dark horse but the underdog. He doesn't possess the confidence that he needs to make it to the top 3. It's almost becoming painful to watch week after week.

Danny Come Rain or Come Shine - Danny is back! I guess he never really went away, but this is the guy I remember from the auditions. That's all I really have to say.

Adam Feeling Good - Fact: He can do no wrong on this show in my eyes. :p This is also what I know: The contestants pick the song they're going to sing on Thursdays. This is what I wonder: Do they keep it secret from each other until rehearsals, or do they discuss with each other what is going down? If I was in the competition and knew what Adam was going to be singing, I would definitely want to stay true to myself, but I'd also want to give him a run for his money. There were so many things right with this performance: the white suit, the stairs, the swagger on the stairs, the look of "I've just been toying with you up until now America, and I'm ready to win this thing so I'm upping my game another level. If you didn't love me before now, you're gonna love me now!", that note, those eyes! Also, I'm sending Kara a dictionary. She thought this performance was sleazy. Sleazy? Come on Kara. We know you're not good with numbers (Studio 57) and that you mix up tv shows with movies, but give me a break. Sleazy? Go write another song. 


The results show will also be particularly interesting tonight, as either Adam, Danny, or Kris will find themselves in the bottom. It's not that they need to go home, it's just that there are 5 contestants so someone that has never been in the B3 will end up there. At this stage in the game, voting is so important and I really hope if you're a voter that you support your favorite. It's vital! Remember this for next week (if you're fav is still in!)

What I found when looking through my spreadsheet. :)

Of the Top 5, 
Adam and Kris are the only ones that have not gone first. (prior to this week's performance)
Starting with the Top 13, 4 of the 7 people who did lead the show were sent to the Bottom 3. (weeks 2, 3, 4, 7)
Danny and Allison went first during Birth Year Week and Movie Week, respectively, and neither landed in the B3.
Matt went first (Motown Week) and landed in the B3. 

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 3 for 3.
Last week I was 2 for 3.

This week I am again doing 2 separate B3s- Who I want to be in the bottom, Who actually is in the bottom. Let me say before going forward, I don't have anything against the people in the lists. Somebody has to go home. They were missing something or weren't at the same level as the others, or their name was Kris. haha :) 

Who I want to be in the B3: 
Danny (only because I would love to see Allison stay clear tonight!)

Who IS in the B3:

If you look at how many times someone has been in the B3, then it's Allison's time to go. However, I thought it was Matt's time to go when he was saved. This is hard. And I put Kris in the actual B3 not to be mean but b/c Adam and Danny really owned the stage tonight and brought so much excitement and emotion.

Tough call, but I'm sending Matt home this week. 

Check out the performances here!

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time to change your light bulbs!

52 is the new 60.
And if you're looking for those standard soft white light bulbs, you're out of luck. Apparently, Walmart only stocks soft white energy saver bulbs.
This is my PSA for the week.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Friday!

...from the Swamp Ape!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Top 7 (II) American Idol - April 21, 2009

Before I start the recap, I wanted to say a little something. Last night before the show started, I was updated on the status of my uncle's son-in-law's health. He has been fighting a good fight, but he passed away last night. I never got to meet Marvin, but I want to ask for prayers for his wife Gina (my cousin) and family during this time. 


This week we had to sit through disco songs. Disco! It's actually quite fitting because this week is 
National Karaoke Week. :) Actually, I thought most of the contestants did a great job at not sounding karaoke. AND we were back to all 4 judges critiquing, instead of just 2 per person. Missed out on a mentor for this week and videos, but I guess something had to go. Most of them don't listen to the mentors anyway, so it wasn't a total loss.

Lil I'm Every Woman - When I saw she was first, I couldn't believe it. My first thought was, "The producers really want her to go home b/c they put her in the first slot!" She's actually been in the #1 slot before, during Michael Jackson week, but I don't know that it actually helped her this week. I don't really know what the judges have against her. It's obvious there's something, but I just don't know what it is. For me, personally, I liked when she had shorter hair but what does that have to do with singing ability? I don't think I've ever seen someone be so consistently put down week after week. 

Kris She Works Hard For the Money - (I just googled Donna Summer and didn't realize how much Lil looks like her!) So back to Kris. I will try to hide my dislike of him, as most of you know I don't like him. But the reason I don't like him is because he poses a threat to the shining star. So maybe that's a roundabout way of saying I like him? I've also figured out that my passionate dislike of Kara could be destroying me liking Kris, as she continues to praise him, but has few words for Adam. But anyway...I liked the acoustic arrangement. I will take acoustic arrangements over any other kind, any day of the week. They're raw and personal and exposing. But, what else was Kris going to do this week? He's definitely not a disco singer. I was secretly overjoyed when no one in the audience clapped along with him (you know, when he stopped strumming his gee-tar near the end? If you're at a concert and the singer does that, you're supposed to clap along with the beat!) but at the same time I did feel bad for him. But oh well, doesn't matter. They timed it right so Kara got to give feedback first and give him all the positive feedback she could muster for the night. (He and Adam are roomies, so I'm really really trying to like him)

Danny September - I love this song! It reminds me of a scene in the movie Dan In Real Life and I love that movie! Umm, you know what for me, dog, you put those brilliant vocals of yours into a song where you didn't change the arrangement, but just when I thought you couldn't go any higher you did. And I dun't have uh clue whut they just said. (That was me being the judges.) I've always liked Danny, but I'm beginning to wonder what all the hype is about. I like his vocals, and he seems like an awesome person, but there's not too many special moments about his songs. Sorry! 

Allison Hot Stuff - Wow! Like I said last night, she gave Adam a run for his money! This is the only performance this whole season that has come close to Adam in any way, shape or form. I thought she rocked it. Wasn't crazy about the outfit and thought she had a little bit of trouble moving around in it, but loved the song and the performance! So Randy and Kara didn't like the arrangement, but they don't know what they're talking about. They say they're looking for something new and hip and with the times and artistry and I'd say Allison pretty much covered all that. 2 more things: she's got a voice on her as we all know, but sometimes I think she hasn't grown into it yet, like sometimes it runs away with her and she doesn't know what to do with it. And I get annoyed how she doesn't pronounce all her letters. Maybe it's just me! 

Adam If I Can't Have You - Another stellar performance. Not many people can actually just stand on a stage and sing. I was wondering if he was going to go all out, or slow it down, and he W-O-W-ed us again with this heart-wrenching performance. I wonder if he's thinking about anybody while he's singing? Oh wait-it's me. :) lol Watching it back, I was pretty sure tears were going to start streaming any moment. I feel bad for all the other contestants. If he gets voted out before the finale, I'll have no reason to watch. Oh yeah! One other great thing about this was we got another Kara Moment! "You look like that guy from Saturday Night Live!" (I have to say, I'd be nervous too if I was in her seat. I'd probably be running up after every performance to give the boy a hug!) 

Matt Stayin' Alive - It would be great if this song predicts the results for him, but I don't know. Thank goodness he rocked a hat, but the performance was lacking. First of all, if you're gonna sing, "You can tell by the way I walk that I'm a woman's man" (or however the lyrics go), you'd better have a perfected walk! He didn't. And his hand movements kept reminding me of something that I couldn't quite grasp. Until now. It takes 2 people standing, one person in front, one person in back. The one in front puts their hands behind their back, and the one behind brings their hands forward. So when the person in front is talking, the hand gestures are actually coming from the person behind. Well anyway.....I don't have much else to say about him.

Anoop Dim All the Lights - Standing ovation for wearing pink. That's about it. I'm so ready for him to go home, it's not even funny. And he definitely should have shaved. Anoop, to me, is that guy that everybody likes to be around, and probably has a ton of friends. He's just not the next American Idol.

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 2 for 3.
Last week I was 3 for 3.

This week I am again doing 2 separate B3s- Who I want to be in the bottom, Who actually is in the bottom. Let me say before going forward, I don't have anything against the people in the lists. Somebody has to go home. They were missing something or weren't at the same level as the others, or their name was Kris. haha :) 

Who I want to be in the B3: 

Who IS in the B3:

I think this week's B3 will be a repeat of last week. Again, it's past time for Anoop to go home. More people seem to be turning against Lil. Both times Matt has been in the B3, he didn't wear a hat. He wore a hat this week. He might get to stay another week.

Tough call, but I'm sending Anoop and Lil home this week. 

Check out the performances here!

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.

Friday, April 17, 2009

And another thing...

Here's the reason why Simon used the save this week:


I was looking back over some of the past few entries and I wanted to apologize for something. 

I'm sorry I've been in such a hurry to get the words out that I haven't been proofreading before posting!  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

AI Shocker

Whoa!  Matt's still in the game!  Simon saved him last night.  WHY!?!?!!?

GO ADAM!!!!!

Top 7 American Idol - Movie Week

This week the contestants helped us to escape reality for the better part of 60 minutes, taking us on a ride through the movies. This week could just as easily be labeled Cheese Week too, as most of the songs were just that! And since the show ran over last week, the judges paired up (Paula and Simon, Kara and Randy) so as to be on time this week. Still didn't work, btw. Two judges, instead of the usual four, gave their opinions on each performance with the right side of the table (Paula and Simon) going first instead of the usual left side (Randy.) The good news of this is that Simon got to throw in his thoughts on Adam. The bad news is that he also got to review Lil. Man oh man...let's get started.

Allison "Don't Want to Miss a Thing"- Another week, another good way to start the show. At the very beginning her timing sounded off to me. 
I'm sure it was just me, because the rest of the song sounded on time, just not the first few words. No doubt about it, the girl's got a voice. I wish she would work on her enunciation techniques more, as sometimes it's hard to understand her. Wasn't crazy about the outfit, but that doesn't really matter. Also..I know she was trying to get the full meaning of the song in, but I didn't like how certain sections were split or divided...there wasn't a good flow to the song for me. Overall it was good.

Anoop "Everything I Do" - This great when he sings the slow songs. He has a pretty voice and although the slower verses don't showcase his personality in any way, shape or form, they're nice to listen to. And his timing was a little off for me, too. But again--I'm sure it was just me! There isn't much to say here. Again, it wasn't awesome but it was good.

Adam "Born to Be Wild" - I read before the show that he was going to be singing this. For a brief second I was a little *gasp* disappointed because I thought it would be really cliche. He was born to be wild, right? Then I had to remember that there are spoiler lists out there every week and none of them are ever right. Except that this one was. 
I won't be reading that blog again.What can I say? Again I was blown away. He was totally punked out, shorter hair, interaction with the band, the was madness!! I didn't want the song to end. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say here. I'm running out of words! Oh yeah--I hope his hair grows fast b/c I want the longer look back. Oh who am I kidding? He could shave his head and I'd still love him the same! :) 

Matt "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?" - Not bad. Quite boring after Adam, but that's to be expected. I don't think he really took to heart what Quentin Tarantino suggested he do though (stick to the song, don't add your crazy sound effects). I get annoyed when a mentor gives advise and then it gets tossed aside like it's no big deal. He was originally my top 5, but at this point not so much. I'm definitely going to send him a hat, though, and tell him to keep it on. Always. Again, not bad, not great.

Danny "Endless Love" - Would you like some wine? To go along with this cheese? :) I've always liked Danny. I think he's great and how can you not smile when looking at him? I always like to watch him perform, and love the raspiness in his voice. I do think he's got to step up his game though.

Kris "Falling Slowly" - Blah! This is actually one contestant that I have something against. So much that it's causing friction in my family. (Just Kidding--Love ya Greg!) I remember the beginning was so flat and so boring that I wanted to pick up the 300-lb TV and throw it out the window. Anytime I see his face that's what I want to do. And his wife's, after Simon said that he shouldn't have introduced her to America so soon and she made that horrible face. Way to go Kris! Your wife ruined it for me! Actually, I'm going to have to watch the performance again b/c he's in the news stories this morning. Was it really that good? And again, way to listen to QT! <--note the sarcasm

Lil "The Rose" - I thought this was a really really great way to end the show. This was definitely her best song since...Michael Jackson week? Yep. Definitely. I am as frustrated as her at this point. Not at her, but at the judges. I'm glad she spoke out against Simon last night. I actually got chills last night because as she was singing I thought, "She's back!!" Only the results show will tell.

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 1 for 3.
Last week I was 2 for 3.

This week I am again doing 2 separate B3s- Who I want to be in the bottom, Who actually is in the bottom. Let me say before going forward, I don't have anything against the people in the lists. Somebody has to go home. They were missing something or weren't at the same level as the others, or their name was Kris. haha :) 

Who I want to be in the B3: 

Who IS in the B3:

I don't know who's going home. It's really Anoop's time to go. I'll just stick with him.

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is why I'm so proud of my other pics!! haha!!

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Last night's moon

I can't tell you how proud I am of these pics! Normally my moon pics turn out looking like a small burning fireball!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - Obama May Block Sun's Rays to End Global Warming - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - Obama May Block Sun's Rays to End Global Warming - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

I love the headline on this.  Without reading the story, this is one that should end up on an installment of Jay Leno's Headlines.  "Block Sun's Rays to End Global Warming."  No duh, Sherlock!  Blocking the rays would most definitely end global warming, as we would all freeze to death!!

Oh, it gets better.  The man who was interviewed on this topic is so smart that I envy him.  He says geoengineering would slow down the earth's warming process.  What is involved in geoengineering?  I quote, "One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays."  I mean, pollution is bad.  Stop littering, people!  But shooting it into the upper atmosphere?  Puh-lease!  Just take a step back and look at this if you will!  Let go of all your political notions and opinions and run through what this guy is saying and see if it makes any sense.

The best quote of all was this:

Holdren (the man in the article) compared global warming to being
 "in a car 

(keep going)

with bad brakes 

(Keep going)


(Keep going)

toward a cliff 

(Keep going)

in the fog."

Do I think we all need to be responsible and keep our waste down to a minimum?  Sure.  Do I think humans are going to ruin the earth and make it melt away?  I think only God Himself has the power to destroy the earth.

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Top 8 - American Idol, April 7, 2009

My thoughts on the show!

This week the contestants chose songs from the year they born. It was one of the better weeks, but then again, as we get closer to the top, those who aren't entertainers or performers or singers are cut so theoretically each week should get better and better. Here's my commentary!

Danny "Stand By Me" - GREAT way to start the show! Started out nice and got everyone in a good mood for the rest of the show. I was really glad to see him do a slow side and a fast side in the song. 

Kris "All She Wants to Do is Dance" - I think I stopped lasting him last week when the judges absolutely tripped over their dresses because they couldn't get the praise out fast enough. They praised him for taking artistic liberties and for making the song his own, and it made me sick because a few weeks ago Adam was ahead of the curve on that one. Anyway! I agreed with the judges on Kris tonight: it was indulgent, he was lost. I was irritated that he was standing in the crowd and not on the mainstage, as I was last week when Matt did the same thing. Oh yeah, and I couldn't understand him.

Lil "What's Love Got to Do With It" - I'm still with her in this competition and I love how she's attempting different genres of music, but I'm starting to think that she should only sing R&B if the chance allows because it seems that's all the judges want to hear from her. Granted, she did mimic Ms. Tina last night, even down to the moves. She did take some liberties and definitely has a different set of vocals than the original artist. This isn't bad, it's just the power and emotion that is in the original song was different when Lil sang. 

Anoop "True Colors" - I thought he rocked! I was so glad he didn't attempt any MC Hammer! haha He is good with ballads and has a pretty voice when he uses it right. :)

Scott "The Search Is Over" - All I can say is, "Where did that come from?" We were watching and as the camera zoomed in to him we were in total amazement. "Where's the piano? Is that a guitar he's holding? I didn't know he played!" Granted, he doesn't have the strongest voice in the world, or the best, or one of the most pleasing, but wow! I was so shocked and proud and happy to hear something from him besides an inspirational song behind the keys. How silly of me to think the judges would like it. I wanted to throw eggs at each of their faces.

Allison "I Can't Make You Love Me" - Nice and simple. I still can't get over her voice. Surprised that the judges didn't comment on 
this week's outfit! Oh and glad to see her hair wasn't as crazy!

Matt "Part Time Lover" - He's nice to listen to and watch when he's not trying to be someone else. This week was good because he wasn't trying to be a blind black dude. He absolutely owns each performance when he makes it his own. One of the best performances of the night according to the judges and then came along--

Adam! "Mad World" - Those of you who DVR'd/TiVO'd/taped in plans of watching later, I'm sure you were upset to see your recorder stopped short of the whole show. Too bad, because not only did you miss another awesome song from 
the Adam Lambert Show Adam, but you missed a standing ovation from Simon! I have never seen him or Randy do that. Wow! Hopefully him getting cut off by programming won't hurt his chances. Surely people can figure out that if it's Top 8 and he's the last one, that they should dial 866-IDOLS-08, right?

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 2 for 3 on these.
Last week I was 1 for 3.

This week I am doing 2 separate B3s- Who I think should be in the bottom, Who actually is in the bottom. Let me say before going forward, I don't have anything against the people in the lists. Somebody has to go home. They were missing something or weren't at the same level as the others, or their name was Kris. haha :) 

Who I think should be In the B3: 

Who I Think IS in the B3:
(I struggle with all of these actually. Kris nor Lil have ever been in B3. Scott had the wow factor this week.)

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rainbow pic

Here is the rainbow from a couple of days ago. I used the panorama option on my phone and it turned out the way it did because, well, I used the panorama option on my phone. It's hard to see outside b.c of the glare and it was raining so I was rushing. But anyway! Here is the full rainbow! If you look really hard at the right arc, you can see a faint double rainbow. :)

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Friday, April 3, 2009


Sam's Club is having an open house this weekend, which means LOTS OF SAMPLES!  :)  I think I sampled every food item with cheese today....yummo!  My new item I'm trying from Sam's is Corky's BBQ sauce.  I'll let you know how it turns out on my pork ribs tonight.   :)

Things I saw on the side of the road today:

Baby walker (side of the highway--and yes, I looked to see if there was a baby in it.  Good news-there wasn't!)

Open umbrella (it was upside down on a 2-lane road)

It's Friday!


The sun is out and off to Sam's I go!  The store doesn't actually open until 10:00, so I've got a little bit of time, but I'm pumped and ready to go!  We are running dangerously low on the basics...salt, ketchup, bbq sauce.  This is getting ridiculous, my friends!  

We had a lot of rain come through yesterday and after it was gone, I looked outside and saw the most amazing rainbow!  For some reason they were really abundant in Anchorage, so abundant that I have seen a triple rainbow there.  This one yesterday was a full rainbow, connecting two houses on two different streets, with a faint "double" in view.  It was amazing!  

It made me think of this:  

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living 
creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:  I have set my rainbow
in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and
the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,  I
will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures
of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to
destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the
clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between
God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." So God said to
Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established
between me and all life on the earth."    -Gen. 9:12-17

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Idol Top 9

I changed this up a little from last night.

- It was good to see Anoop's personality shine again!  He chose a song that didn't showcase his vocals, though.  There were too many spaces that the background singers filled.  I didn't think it was "frat-boy dare gone bad" but I did think he could have done better.  (Don't ask me which song he should have sang.  I personally think that a true American Idol should be able to take any song and make it their own.)  *Not a front runner, but has a big fan base

Megan Joy- Oh boy.  If the camera would focus on her face only, we'd be doing good.  And if she'd pick a song that really showcased her unique sound, we'd be doing even better.  Her signature Corkrey move is just too much for one person.  In the words of Rooster, "She scares me!"  *Not a front runner, but has a big fan base

Danny- He's still one of my favorites.  I thought his song choice was great, as it's hard to go wrong with a Rascal Flatts song.  He did show a lot of emotion, which is definitely needed for any of their songs.  There were a couple of spots that seemed a little off to me, or like he was being over-powered by the backup singers.  Also, I was hoping he would reach up and grab the mic off the stand and do his crazy-but-in-a-good-way dance on the stage.  Maybe he'll learn that move for next week!  :)

Allison - I loved her version of this No Doubt song, for the most part.  The judges knocked her outfit, when I thought they should have been knocking her hair, or whatever that was on top of her head!  I thought she looked very punk-rock and of course she has crazy vocals.  (I'm starting to sound like Randy, dawg!)

Scott - It was nice to see just him and the piano, but come on!  He's been in this same box since...the show began.  I still can't imagine actually running to the store to pick up his CD, but it was nice to see him do a little more I guess.  This is the point in the competition where I've got to start getting harsh. In the words of Kara, "Show me some artistry!"

Matt - Hmm...I don't like when he sounds like other artists and tonight he sounded exactly like.....The Fray, the original artist of the song he performed.  Sometimes he sounds like Justin Timberlake and I don't like when he does b/c let's face it--there's only one JT.  He's starting to annoy me.

Lil - I thought she did good in trying to showcase her voice.  I like that she's not staying strictly with the R&B vibe like the judges are wanting her to.  However, if she did stick with just R&B then she'd probably get knocked just the same.  Still one of my favorites.  I hope she sticks around.

Adam  I just can't get enough of this amazing talent!  He takes songs and makes them his own and did you hear how the crowd couldn't stop cheering for him once he started the song??  Holy cow!  As I'm voting tonight, Rooster asks me what I'm doing (duh!) and I was like, "I'm voting!" and he's like, "For who? The blind guy?" and I'm like, "No! The HOT guy!  Gotta make sure he wins!"  You either love him or you hate him, but I tend to pick musicians that fall in that category anyway.  Loved the outfit, the flared jeans, the blue and yellow shirts...loved it all!  

Kris - Technically I'm supposed to love this guy because he plays guitar and I dig the sound that he plays, but there's something about him that screams "Not special!" to me.  I don't know what it is but once I figure it out I'll be sure and report!  The judges praised his performance, but for me there was nothing to rave about.  I heard one commentary that said he blew everybody out of the water.  He's getting on my nerves too.  

This is hard as I'm a bit rushed for time.  Also, they all pretty much performed at the same level as last week for me. (Except for Adam, which always throws his own spin!)
These are probably going to be far from the results tomorrow, but here goes...

Bottom 3:  Matt, Scott, Megan     
Going home: Matt 

One more thing.  There's this site and they post predictions.  I can't bring myself to look at it because I'm afraid it will pull all the fun out of the results show. The results haven't been spot on each week, but they've been pretty close.  I'll look at after the results show.  :)

Tune in Wednesday night at 9e/8c on FOX to see the results!  (Or record and watch later!)