Salsa Garden

Visual Diary of our Salsa pictures taken daily! Check back often to see how the garden grows. :)

New pics!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Waiting room

I'm at Dr. Pepper's site and apparently word got out about the freebies b/c it is jammed! People are reporting on message boards that links are working, links aren't working, phone numbers you can call to sign up for the freeness... Some people are waiting 30 minutes to get their free coupon!! I'm not sure that 30 minutes of my time is worth $1.39+tax or not, but I'll probably keep trying anyway. Those Dr. Pepper people....not thinking things through! The coupon's good 'til Feb 2009, so why jam their servers for only one day?

Hang in there! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanks Dr. Pepper! Thanks Guns *N Roses!

Print your coupon on Sunday for your free Dr. Pepper!

People the world over have been patiently awaiting the release of a Guns 'N Roses album since the '90s. They are now making good on their promise, with the release of Chinese Democracy this Sunday.

The full story is below. Woohoo!

Guns *N Roses delivers just what the Dr. (Pepper) ordered!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One of those times when you just want to say...."Oh crap!"   

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mom Grounds Boy

Here is the story once again.

How neat is it that a 6-yr old gets hit, on his bike, by a police officer's car, and his mom grounds him?  

I imagine the scenario somewhat like this....

The mother, son and daughter arrive home after a long day of work and school.  The boy and girl ask if they can go outside to ride their bikes for a few minutes before tackling homework and dinner.  The mother says OK and reminds them of the same things she reminds them of everytime they go riding: get your jacket, watch out for cars, stay together and wear a helmet!!!  They go outside and the (older) sister is doing what she's been told to do.  The (younger) brother is off in his own world.  The rest is history, as we know now that he didn't get out of the way of the car.  (I don't think he was hurt.)  Although, I do have to ask, why didn't the police car just stop until the boy got around?  Anyway...

When the police officer walks the children and their bikes back to their apartment, the mother comes to the door, possibly on the phone with a close friend or relative, and tells that person she'll have to call them back.  The children are fine, but they have been escorted home by the police.  When the mother learns what happened, she sternly tells the son that if he had been paying attention this wouldn't have happened.  She thanks the officer and sends the boy to bed with only bread and water.  The daughter gets the nice warm vegetable soup and cornbread before going to bed.

Little do we know, she is the one who dared her brother to play chicken with the car.

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did!

I'm back!

Hard to believe that we're halfway through this wonderful month of November.  So many things have happened in these past 10-12 days...I was gone a little over a week with my mom down to Orlando attending the NAR Convention.  (National Association of Realtors)  Many many wonderful good times were had and I have pictures that I will post later!   And of course the election which I will share my thoughts, but not right now.  I also want to let you know about all the exciting deals I got at Walgreens today!  I will get to all of those later, but I am digging this story....

I don't want to spoil anything, so I will post my thoughts in the next blog.  :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Words you won't hear often

from me:

...if I could find an article that told the news without having the words "first black president" I would post it. Plus, I don't want to post anything that isn't completely true.

I have always always always said respect the position, not the person. I will respect Barack Obama only in his position as President. I will never ever ever respect him as a person. He does NOT have my trust and unless he does a whole lot of proving, he will never have my trust. He ran a good campaign but he is nothing more than a suit to me.

The only comfort I have going forward is I know that God is good and God is just and he won't give us more than we can handle.

Election Day

It feels like Christmas. There is an excitement in the air and the anticipation is building up. Who will be our next President? Election returns are pouring in from all over the country, but of course not all the votes are in. Absentee ballots and military votes (from those serving overseas) have not yet been counted. I don't know the impact these votes will have on the presidency. In a few hours, or at least by in the morning, we will have a pretty good idea of who will try to lead us.

I hope you voted today. If you didn't, don't complain when things don't go your way. Your vote is your voice.

It's been a long past couple of days......gonna go chill out for a little bit and get ready for a busy day tomorrow.

*Woot woot*

Monday, November 3, 2008


I know there are some of you out there who are still thinking about not voting.  This concept of not-voting is truly foreign to me.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get out and vote!  If you think your vote doesn't matter, that's not true.  Your vote does matter.  Your non-voting matters too.  America is a stage right now for all the world to see.  There are so many people that want to live in this country and have the freedoms that we have..such as the freedom to vote!!!  Too many of us are so lucky to be born in this country, and that in itself is a gift.  If you're unsure who to vote for, contact me and I'll give you some pointers.  If you're sure who to vote for then vote!  What are you waiting on?? Except for Tuesday to get here of course!  

Check this out!  -Scotty Crowe's Blog

After much research (ok, not so much) I didn't find any video footage of David Cook performing on SNL.  Too bad, b/c he's starting to grow on me.  I preferred David Archuleta in the AI showdown, but that's okay.  Cook was a little over-confident for me, but he did win the competition so I guess it worked for him.  I still think some of the tears were staged, but it's okay.  He did an awsome job on this song:


Sunday, November 2, 2008


You should remind me to record SNL so you don't have to watch it on my bloog. Now I'm going to try and find the musical guest.


Forgot to record the show last night...thankg goodness for E! :)