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Friday, January 9, 2009

Bye bye, Blago

Just when I was starting to like him, the Illinois House has voted 114-1 to have Governor Blagojevich impeached.  Where did the change of heart come from on my part, you ask?  Let me tell you.

As unlikeable as the guy is, his recent Senate appointment was nothing short of genius.  His candidate, (Roland Burris) has held positions in the state so he's not completely short on experience, is scandal free, and has a pretty kewl name.    He was former Attorney General for Illinois.  Obama was the only black seated Senator, and Mr. Roland Burris is black.  (Sidenote: Race doesn't matter to me, but it's still an ongoing struggle in this country.)  Sen. Harry Reid and his posse were so focused on turning away anybody that Blago appointed that they forgot to take their visors off, their tunnel vision visors.  Granted, this only ended up hurting Mr. Burris this week when he was turned away from being sworn in.  He was, however, invited the the *welcome* party for all the senators later that day.  (He has since been appointed.)

Blago is so fearless that he turned his own party against itself without the party even realizing it! I will end with this.  I'm not a party person, I'm just not for most of the Dems that are sitting high on their nests right now.  

Happy Friday!

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