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Friday, October 3, 2008

The Race is On

32 Days 'Til Election.

I was going to predict that McCain-Palin will win the race.  After hearing the numbers this morning though, McCain is trailing Obama in the polls.  I don't like to focus on what the polls say because it really becomes a full-time job.  Plus, there's not a whole lot you can do about it!  The polls were conducted via telephone , and I know they're scientific (the polls, not the phones) but the election isn't here yet.  So when the election does come and is over with, then we can become excited or frustrated or numb.  

I watched the debate last night--actually watched the whole, commercial-free debate.  I was quite pleased with it.  Actually, it's too bad that these two aren't running for President.  

I am a supporter of Sarah Palin.  She is, after all, my governor.  But I'm not loyal to her just because she is my governor.  She has consistently stood up to the good ol' boy system, she doesn't give in to what may be the popular thing to do.  She does that which is right and what will benefit the people.  She doesn't do it for her own selfish gain.  She hails from Wasilla, AK, and having been there, I can say it's not a place where you go to live above your means.  It is the fastest-growing city/town in Alaska but it's not elaborate.  Many people live in Wasilla and make the 45-60 minute commute to Anchorage everyday.    It's a great place to live and visit, and it's definitely not the 90210 area code.   

Gov. Palin is like your mother (or the mother you never had.)  If you ask her for help, she'll do whatever she can, as long as you are learning and she is not doing for you what you are capable of doing yourself.  If you ask her for advice on something, she'll give it to you, even if it's not what you really want to hear...she doesn't sugar coat. don't want to make her mad.

The media says she doesn't have experience.  She was on city council, then became mayor, then governor, all while being a full-time wife and mother.  Can you please tell me what experience she needs?  "Experience" is good, but sometimes having a decent head on your shoulders is even more important.  

I don't really know anything about Sen. Biden except that he is running with Sen. Obama.  

I really enjoyed the debate last night.  The candidates seemed to address the questions, for the most part, and they didn't mention 100 things they were going to do while in office.  They talked about the state of the country now and where the problems are and what needs to be done.  This is so much better than saying, "I promise to..." because you don't really know what that candidate will do once becoming elected.  They can promise all they want, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.  I like how problems and ideas were addressed last night...just addressed.  No promises.  

And will the media stop talking about how Gov. Palin used catch phrases such as "doggone" and "darn"?  I like that she was actually talking to me, to you, to the American people.  I just wish she had thrown in a couple of "dadgummits!"    :)

I'm off to save the world now.  

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