Salsa Garden

Visual Diary of our Salsa pictures taken daily! Check back often to see how the garden grows. :)

New pics!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tomato Plant

Pictures from this morning.

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Friday, May 14, 2010


Two tomatoes! Taken with my phone, so it may be hard to make out.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Aftermath, Post 3

Pretty! :)

I just liked the way this shot turned out.
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Aftermath, Post 2


Horizontal power pole

Electric company working hard to restore power

Road under water

Tornado Aftermath, May 1

Last weekend, we took a drive to see the areas that had been hit by the tornadoes that came through the area. Luckily a)we weren't hit and b)we didn't see any houses that had really been affected. It was mostly trees that were knocked down, and debris blown. Still a lot of work, but nothing like losing a house.

Downed trees

Uprooted tree (one of many we saw)

Branches on power line

This house was "leaning" before the storm

Friday, May 7, 2010

Salsa Garden/Curtains

I have managed to keep the plants alive, just haven't posted pictures in a few weeks. I don't have any peppers showing, but I do have yellow blooms on the tomato plants. From what I've read, the flowers will bloom, die, and then the tomatoes will being to grow. So we've got yellow and green, just looking for the red!

Project Curtain Call is on schedule to resume this weekend.

New Blog!

I've started another blog, specifically for posts and updates about the baby/pregnancy, etc.

Add it to your list of blogs you follow! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Some pretty strong and deadly

Some pretty strong and deadly storms rolled through our area last night. Luckily we didn't experience any damage!