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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Top 7 (II) American Idol - April 21, 2009

Before I start the recap, I wanted to say a little something. Last night before the show started, I was updated on the status of my uncle's son-in-law's health. He has been fighting a good fight, but he passed away last night. I never got to meet Marvin, but I want to ask for prayers for his wife Gina (my cousin) and family during this time. 


This week we had to sit through disco songs. Disco! It's actually quite fitting because this week is 
National Karaoke Week. :) Actually, I thought most of the contestants did a great job at not sounding karaoke. AND we were back to all 4 judges critiquing, instead of just 2 per person. Missed out on a mentor for this week and videos, but I guess something had to go. Most of them don't listen to the mentors anyway, so it wasn't a total loss.

Lil I'm Every Woman - When I saw she was first, I couldn't believe it. My first thought was, "The producers really want her to go home b/c they put her in the first slot!" She's actually been in the #1 slot before, during Michael Jackson week, but I don't know that it actually helped her this week. I don't really know what the judges have against her. It's obvious there's something, but I just don't know what it is. For me, personally, I liked when she had shorter hair but what does that have to do with singing ability? I don't think I've ever seen someone be so consistently put down week after week. 

Kris She Works Hard For the Money - (I just googled Donna Summer and didn't realize how much Lil looks like her!) So back to Kris. I will try to hide my dislike of him, as most of you know I don't like him. But the reason I don't like him is because he poses a threat to the shining star. So maybe that's a roundabout way of saying I like him? I've also figured out that my passionate dislike of Kara could be destroying me liking Kris, as she continues to praise him, but has few words for Adam. But anyway...I liked the acoustic arrangement. I will take acoustic arrangements over any other kind, any day of the week. They're raw and personal and exposing. But, what else was Kris going to do this week? He's definitely not a disco singer. I was secretly overjoyed when no one in the audience clapped along with him (you know, when he stopped strumming his gee-tar near the end? If you're at a concert and the singer does that, you're supposed to clap along with the beat!) but at the same time I did feel bad for him. But oh well, doesn't matter. They timed it right so Kara got to give feedback first and give him all the positive feedback she could muster for the night. (He and Adam are roomies, so I'm really really trying to like him)

Danny September - I love this song! It reminds me of a scene in the movie Dan In Real Life and I love that movie! Umm, you know what for me, dog, you put those brilliant vocals of yours into a song where you didn't change the arrangement, but just when I thought you couldn't go any higher you did. And I dun't have uh clue whut they just said. (That was me being the judges.) I've always liked Danny, but I'm beginning to wonder what all the hype is about. I like his vocals, and he seems like an awesome person, but there's not too many special moments about his songs. Sorry! 

Allison Hot Stuff - Wow! Like I said last night, she gave Adam a run for his money! This is the only performance this whole season that has come close to Adam in any way, shape or form. I thought she rocked it. Wasn't crazy about the outfit and thought she had a little bit of trouble moving around in it, but loved the song and the performance! So Randy and Kara didn't like the arrangement, but they don't know what they're talking about. They say they're looking for something new and hip and with the times and artistry and I'd say Allison pretty much covered all that. 2 more things: she's got a voice on her as we all know, but sometimes I think she hasn't grown into it yet, like sometimes it runs away with her and she doesn't know what to do with it. And I get annoyed how she doesn't pronounce all her letters. Maybe it's just me! 

Adam If I Can't Have You - Another stellar performance. Not many people can actually just stand on a stage and sing. I was wondering if he was going to go all out, or slow it down, and he W-O-W-ed us again with this heart-wrenching performance. I wonder if he's thinking about anybody while he's singing? Oh wait-it's me. :) lol Watching it back, I was pretty sure tears were going to start streaming any moment. I feel bad for all the other contestants. If he gets voted out before the finale, I'll have no reason to watch. Oh yeah! One other great thing about this was we got another Kara Moment! "You look like that guy from Saturday Night Live!" (I have to say, I'd be nervous too if I was in her seat. I'd probably be running up after every performance to give the boy a hug!) 

Matt Stayin' Alive - It would be great if this song predicts the results for him, but I don't know. Thank goodness he rocked a hat, but the performance was lacking. First of all, if you're gonna sing, "You can tell by the way I walk that I'm a woman's man" (or however the lyrics go), you'd better have a perfected walk! He didn't. And his hand movements kept reminding me of something that I couldn't quite grasp. Until now. It takes 2 people standing, one person in front, one person in back. The one in front puts their hands behind their back, and the one behind brings their hands forward. So when the person in front is talking, the hand gestures are actually coming from the person behind. Well anyway.....I don't have much else to say about him.

Anoop Dim All the Lights - Standing ovation for wearing pink. That's about it. I'm so ready for him to go home, it's not even funny. And he definitely should have shaved. Anoop, to me, is that guy that everybody likes to be around, and probably has a ton of friends. He's just not the next American Idol.

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 2 for 3.
Last week I was 3 for 3.

This week I am again doing 2 separate B3s- Who I want to be in the bottom, Who actually is in the bottom. Let me say before going forward, I don't have anything against the people in the lists. Somebody has to go home. They were missing something or weren't at the same level as the others, or their name was Kris. haha :) 

Who I want to be in the B3: 

Who IS in the B3:

I think this week's B3 will be a repeat of last week. Again, it's past time for Anoop to go home. More people seem to be turning against Lil. Both times Matt has been in the B3, he didn't wear a hat. He wore a hat this week. He might get to stay another week.

Tough call, but I'm sending Anoop and Lil home this week. 

Check out the performances here!

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.

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