How neat is it that a 6-yr old gets hit, on his bike, by a police officer's car, and his mom grounds him?
I imagine the scenario somewhat like this....
The mother, son and daughter arrive home after a long day of work and school. The boy and girl ask if they can go outside to ride their bikes for a few minutes before tackling homework and dinner. The mother says OK and reminds them of the same things she reminds them of everytime they go riding: get your jacket, watch out for cars, stay together and wear a helmet!!! They go outside and the (older) sister is doing what she's been told to do. The (younger) brother is off in his own world. The rest is history, as we know now that he didn't get out of the way of the car. (I don't think he was hurt.) Although, I do have to ask, why didn't the police car just stop until the boy got around? Anyway...
When the police officer walks the children and their bikes back to their apartment, the mother comes to the door, possibly on the phone with a close friend or relative, and tells that person she'll have to call them back. The children are fine, but they have been escorted home by the police. When the mother learns what happened, she sternly tells the son that if he had been paying attention this wouldn't have happened. She thanks the officer and sends the boy to bed with only bread and water. The daughter gets the nice warm vegetable soup and cornbread before going to bed.
Little do we know, she is the one who dared her brother to play chicken with the car.
I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did!
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