Salsa Garden

Visual Diary of our Salsa pictures taken daily! Check back often to see how the garden grows. :)

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Intruder in the House

I wanted to pass this along to everyone. It is deeply moving and heartfelt.

{insert screeching sound}
Ok, not-so-much deeply moving and heartfelt, but these past few days have been nothing short of awesome, in light of political and personal events. I wanted to send this story, only because I laugh everytime I think about it. Hey-if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

Yesterday was pretty normal. It was pretty hot outside and pretty comfortable inside and the conditions were pretty perfect for cleaning up the house. How one cleans UP, I'm really not sure, but this is what I set out to do yesterday.

I've got the music turned up, the dogs aren't in my way and I am oh-so ready for a day of doing nothing but cleaning. Exciting times call for exciting measures! About a quarter of the way into the cleaning adventures, I had an unexpected intruder in my house. I opened the door and it all happened so fast that I didn't even know what was happening. I screamed and slammed the door, but all I saw was the blue that was on him. I had no idea what to do! So I did the only logical thing I could think of at the time: Dressed in only shorts and a t-shirt , I armed my feet with tennis shoes and my hands with gardening gloves and then I went after him with bug spray and towels. I thought if I could get him cornered that I'd be able to detain him until I figured what to do with him. A couple of hours into the standoff, the spray began to wear off and he got loose. Shortly thereafter I was able to call my neighbors to the scene to get the intruder out in due time before anyone was hurt. Luckily, we were all safe and unharmed except for the intruder. He lost his tail. But don't worry, he'll grow another one.

Wikipedia: Five-lined skink

Give me a bear over a skink any day of the week! :)

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