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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top 3 American Idol - May 12, 2009

Hey y'all! 

We're down to the Top 3. Or up to the Top 3? Well, whichever it is..we are here! The semi-finals if you will. The guys have really worked hard to reach the top.

I want to say a big "THANKS!" to all of you for reading and contributing to this each week! I do look forward to writing it and getting feedback! This shouldn't be the last one, but if it is, just know it's been fun! Thanks again! (Also, I didn't spend a whole lot of time proofing this one. Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors!)

A couple of things before starting:
Kris is not the dark horse in this competition. That would be Allison, had she stayed. But she trotted away, so there is no longer a dark horse around. 

No matter if you like him or not, Adam possesses qualities that Danny and Kris don't, and this equals to loads of star power. He is my Elvis and Beatles.

Let's get started!

Danny Dance Little Sister - This was Paula's song choice for Danny. I, like Danny, had never heard or heard of this song. (Not that I know of anyway, and I am slightly embarrassed to admit that.) I was very pleased with the song. It definitely had a Danny vibe! And I really wish the judges would lay off his dancing. He knows he's not the best dancer, but he can work on it. lol

Danny You Are So Beautiful - I really thought I was going to fall asleep while listening to this. Didn't like the arrangement. However, it did showcase his vocals. Thought he sang it very well, even though being bored to tears. Almost literally. 

Kris Apologize - After hours of waiting for Kris to show up at his parade (ok,ok we just got there early) last Friday, and after standing through his brother's introduction at the mini-concert (that was almost as long as the concert), and after standing through the mini-concert, Kristen ~my niece~ and I were a little bummed when they didn't announce the song chosen by the judges. Turns out it had been announced earlier in the day at another appearance, and the local Fox News site on-the-hour updates didn't show up on the mobile version. Fast forward to the performance. So, it sounded just like the original. For some reason this really bothered Kara and Randy, the judges who picked the song. Randy practically said he would not be advancing to the finals. Then Simon chimed in and asked how they could criticize him when they chose the song, blah blah blah. My thoughts exactly but whatever. At this point, Ryan was practically having to scream into his microphone over the bickering judges. 

Kris Heartless - My jaw dropped to the floor when Kris said he was singing a song by Kanye West. Kanye and Kris are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. One is dripping in self-confidence/self-belief and the other doesn't quite know what that is. I wasn't sure. I had to agree with Simon, that I had Kris going home after his first song, but this brought him back. As it turns out, that wasn't his own take on the song. It's been covered by The Fray, but that's ok. It definitely put him back in the running. Poor Matt was somewhere out there screaming, "That could have been meeeeeee!" --he's a big fan of The Fray. lol 

Adam One - Here's how the story goes: Simon's mulling around his song choice for Adam and thinks, "I'd like for him to sing one of those U2 songs. They don't clear songs for this show, but they will for my future money-making machine! Let me make a call." Simon calls Bono, they talk it over and Bono says, "I would love to have Adam Lambert sing one of my songs. Also, tell him to ring me after the show on Tuesday." Ok, so I made some of that up but Bono gave the A-OK for Adam to sing a U2 song! That is such an honor. Love the song (original), love Adam's version and can't wait to hear what the studio version sounds like. This is a very emotional song, and it needs to be sung that way. And it was. 

Adam Cryin' - For those of you that have been waiting and waiting for me to say something negative about his performances, you're going to have to keep waiting. Ha! What made this performance slightly less than perfect were the BACKUP SINGERS!!! Oh my gosh....they were awful! At one point, you can see him yank out his ear piece. I thought he recovered like a pro, tho, and of course I was lined up 2 months ago to buy tickets for his sold out world-wide tour. That has yet to take place. But it will.


Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 2 for 3.
Last week I was 1 for 1.

Obviously there is no B3 at this point.
I don't know how they normally do eliminations/advances at this point, but I have a couple of ideas.
They will either -
pull the person out that is going home and leave the Top 2 standing together, or
go one-by-one and make us all wait in agony.

I hope they just pull one person out and tell him he's going home. And I hope that person is not Adam.
If they go one-by-one, and Adam is safe, I predict they will call his name first. If they go 1x1 and Adam's name is not called first, I will assume he is going home. 
Here's why:
A couple of weeks ago he was in the B2 supposedly. (Roll your eyes, I know, but I'm still skeptical about this. I know people get complacent and don't vote, but come on.) After the backlash of fans letting FOX know they were not happy with that display, I'm pretty sure they won't leave him as one of the last 2 men standing again. Kris was sent to safety first last week, so they won't send him first again this week. Danny has never been in the bottom anything, so to have him standing would be nervous, too. That's why I say if they go 1x1 and Adam doesn't get called first, that it's not good news.

I've been on the fence, but at this point I would like to see an Adam/Danny finale. 
And I want to see Kris gain more confidence. He's not the best, but he does have an ear for arrangements and can go that much farther if he'll believe in himself.

So who's your pick, Trish? 
I don't know!!

I will be brutal :) and say that each guy had one good performance and one that could have been better. Yes, I said 
each guy. I'm really trying to be fair and unbiased here! I've also thought and hoped that the finale would be between Adam and somebody else. After last night and hearing what people thought, and how they may have voted, it could go anyway. Wow....okay. 

I'm gonna stick with my guns and go with who I want in the finale, not who I thought America picked. Crazy, I know! And this will probably be all wrong since I'm thinking of my own interests and not thinking as a whole, but here we go!

ADAM/DANNY finale, with
Kris going home tonight.

Check out the performances here!

Also, you can check out this site to "get results before the show." I have not looked, as the site is mostly accurate and I don't want to know results until results show. 
Zaba Search 
Click on American Idol link.

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.


Monday, May 11, 2009


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Top 4 American Idol - May 5, 2009

First of all, can you believe it's May? Wow! I'm under the impression that May didn't get that "April showers bring May flowers" memo, as it's still raining. :)

There are some things that need to be covered from last week before going forward. Here goes:

  • I wasn't surprised about Matt going home, and then in an interview he says, "My dream came true. I got to sing jazz, which was all I ever really wanted." So you mean you didn't want to win the competition? What were you doing there, then? And then he was on the Ellen Show to perform and I was literally screaming at the tv Why didn't you sing like that the whole time??? Still love him...he was always my #5!

  • My friend Allison made a comment about Kris before the results show and from that point on, I literally saw him in a different light. I wasn't rooting for him to go home last week. This is my formal apology for the not-so-nice things I've said about him.

  • I wasn't surprised to see one of the front-runners in the B3 last week. But I was surprised when 2 of them landed there. Also, I have my theory that Adam was not truly bottom 2. (I'm not saying anything against Kris.) It's a little strange that when they've done the whole "pick a side" in the past, that the person they have choose is safe. Having said that, the person they have choose has never won the competition either. My thoughts are this: the producers know people tune in to see Adam, and they know he's attention-grabbing. They're going to lose viewers at this point if they turn to him in the beginning and send him to safety. Also, the save was already used, and can't be used at this point in the competition anyway, so this was their "save", their way of rallying the troops and reminding the supporters of what can happen when complacency sets in. See article

  • Last but not least, it was degrading to not only Adam but also to Kris. If Kris truly was 3rd in line, they should have shuttled him to safety. Every show needs its ratings I guess.

So...this week, the stage was electrified when we were treated to a night of rock songs. You know it's going to be a rockin' night when there's so much energy in the place that heavy lighted signs are falling all over the place and people are being carted away in ambulances (for precautionary measures.) Slash was this week's mentor and instead of standing next to a piano to get pointers, the remaining 4 got to sing with a full band. :)

Let's get started!

Adam Whole Lotta Love - Ladies and gentlemen, American Idol finally gets it and turned this into the Adam Lambert show! What a way to open and close the show! I always worry for the person that gets to perform first, b/c more times than not they land in the bottom. I shouldn't have to worry about that this week. Aside from that person being Adam, his performance was nothing short of spectacular. He knows when to put his own spin on a song and when to let the song remain as is. 

Allison Cry, Baby - She finally got to bring her rock side when the timing called for it. Still love her and still am bedazzled bewildered as to where that voice comes from. What put a bad taste in my mouth is when she opened her mouth after Simon critiqued her. Not a good way to show your personality, little miss thang. Just because your makeup looks awesome and you got your hair done with Adam (me=jealous) doesn't give you the right to get snappy with the judges. Would you talk to your mom like that? 

Kranny Renegade - This was another first for the show. Duets. Kris and Danny paired up; I was enjoying the harmonies and thinking they sounded awesome together, then Mama sends me a text that says, "It's like they are doing a pre-show for Adam!" I about spit my drink out, I was laughing so hard. I found it interesting, though, b/c I think most people know that Danny is a musical director at his church. Well, Kris is a worship leader at his church! How neat is that? I have to say, poor Kris looked scared to death when he was up there singing. And then the judges went on and on about how it was a bad duet, that Danny overshadowed Kris, blah blah blah. Way to boost morale, guys! (and girls!)

Kris Come Together - A Beatles song. Classic. Thought he had a good take on it. There was something with his voice, though, that just was not right to me. Flat is not the right word, but he does this thing where almost every note ends on a lower note. I don't know how to explain it. This genre is definitely outside of his comfort zone. I do have to add one more thing. I know he gets compared to John Mayer a lot. And for those of you that don't know (gasp!), John Mayer is my all-time favorite artist. Adam is giving him a really good run for his money, but they are on two different spectrums, so it's okay. What I've always liked about JMayer is his passion. I will straight up tell you that I don't think he has the best singing voice. And while his facial expressions don't bother me in the least, he gets a lot of heat for them. But the passion he has for what he does is what really blows me away. For me, this is what Kris is lacking. 

Danny Dream On - Ok. Danny rocked this performance. Except for his outfit. I wouldn't classify it as rocker material, but whatever. He rocked the performance. Until he screamed. He literally screamed like a pig, or like a dying bird, or like a cat in pain. For a minute there, I thought I was watching Ozzy. And for those of you that think Adam screams, I highly recommend you reconsider what a scream consists of. :) Remember last week when Danny said he reviews other people's performances in order to grow and get better at what he does? Some are saying he reviews Adam's and that he's trying to be Adam. I can't see Danny actually doing that (trying to be Adam), but if he is I don't want to see or hear anymore of it. :) 

Adisson Slow Ride - A rocking way to end the show, Adam and Allison blowing up the stage. Anybody else out there a little upset that Adam can fit into smaller pants than you? :p

Bottom 3
2 weeks ago I was 2 for 3.
Last week I was 2 for 3.

At this point, I don't know if they actually have a Bottom 3. 

Adam- He's safe
Allison- She's safe as long as people don't factor in the attitude when she stopped singing and started talking
Danny- I'm going to agree with Simon on this. Even though his last bit sounded like something from a horror film, he's safe
Kris- He was the one that looked most out of place and is in danger of going home.

-I would be shocked if Danny goes.
-Allison might have a chance b/c she's the only girl left.
-Adam's going nowhere. And if he does, this it the last recap you'll be reading from me. :)
-I'm on the fence with Kris. There was something missing from him last night.

I keep going back and forth, but I guess I'll put 
Kris and Allison in the Bottom 2, with 
Allison going home.

This is so difficult!! 

Check out the performances here!

Also, you can check out this site to "get results before the show." I have not looked, as the site is mostly accurate and I don't want to know results until results show. 
Zaba Search 
Click on American Idol link.

Disclaimer: I use a scientific method to come up with these predictions. I cannot divulge by what means I come by them.