Salsa Garden

Visual Diary of our Salsa pictures taken daily! Check back often to see how the garden grows. :)

New pics!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

So, earlier tonight, Chena comes down the hall barking and gave us quite the scare. This is not out of the ordinary for her, as she's really good at letting us know when the neighbor dogs are outside. When she hears them, she runs down the hall barking and sometimes screaming, quickly making her way to the back door. Only tonight, she didn't make it all the way down the hall without stopping and turning around, headed back the way she came. She's also good at "showing" stuff to us, so we were a little worried as to what she might want to "show" us.

After arming up with, um, cell phones and somewhat sharp/somewhat dull kitchen knives, we headed to the back bedroom to see what Chena was alerting us to. Well, you're going to laugh.........

...This monkey V-Day Balloon!!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can't wait!

Gotta go return movies and pick up supper, but I can't wait to get back and read all the new blog posts!!!    

Happy Birthday, President Lincoln!

New Penny

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

House "Hunting"

This is awesome!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009





:Still laughing:

Monday, February 9, 2009

With all due respect, sir...

...the White House is not yours.  Please stop referring to it as so.

...we will never be completely weaned off of oil for our cars.  If you believe that, then I believe we are living in a paperless world.

...I'd appreciate it if you not relax the dress code while in the Oval Office.  It's an honor, not a privilege, for you to walk through those doors everyday.

...I don't care that people voted for you and I'm still friends with friends who voted for you and I still love my family members that voted for you; however, I don't like your voters who treat you as a saviour and bow down at your feet and think you can do no wrong.  That's when I get really frustrated.  Heck, John Mayer is my favorite singer in the world, but I think he needs to grow his hair out again and get some new arm candy.

And when John Lennon said The Beatles were more popular than Jesus, he meant that they were bigger and more sought after, not better.  I personally think Jesus would agree and not take it personal.  

Sunday, February 8, 2009

This I did not see coming!

I was really rooting for these two.      :(

Rihanna-Chris Brown

Friday, February 6, 2009

I figured it out!

I really was trying to figure out why this lady in California had octuplets.  I'm not going to say it was wrong; I think it was irresponsible, but hey--I've never wanted to have many many kids the same age running around me!   :)  

But I've figured out why this lady did what she did:  she wants to be like Angelina Jolie!   Sorry, miss, there's only one Angelina!  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A puddle of mud

If you haven't taken a look at this stimulus bill, you probably don't want to.  As of yesterday, Feb 4, the document was 736 pages long.  No wonder there is so much confusion over the bill, b/c there is no way that even one person knows all that is contained in the pages.  I got through 100 pages and figured I wasn't getting paid to sift through the pages and so put it down.  It is really amazing to me at just how much is in there.  What's even more amazing is that I'm not sure how some of the items will create jobs.  The stimulus bill is not going to solve any problems.  Until the root of the problem is addressed and taken care of, nothing will be solved.  And this is something that goes much deeper than CEO pay.

Please please tell me

How ONE BILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000,000) pumped into the Federal Prison System is going to create jobs and stimulate the economy???

Any ideas?  


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dear Ashley Judd,

You are my favorite of the Judd family.  I love your movies; not only are they heartwarming and intriguing, but you are able to step out of the usual shell of today's Hollywood actresses and are able to play more than one type of role!  Rom-com, mystery, horror--you name it, you can do it!  However, you have spoken out and made a video against the aerial killing of wolves.  And to this I want to politely ask you to take a back off!

I once signed a petition that opposed the aerial killing of wolves.  After all, the wolves are out doing their jobs, just being wolves, and don't need humans taking away from their fun.  However, Ms Judd, you must have never lived in Alaska and had your pet dog or goat violently taken away from you.    When you have to worry about your pet's (or child's) life being in jeopardy because the population of wolves has grown, you tend to think differently about aerial killing.

I am adding you to my list of celebrities who think they know anything about Alaska, but really truly have no idea.  You occupy the same list as P.Diddy.

At least you can make decent movies!
