It's been a while! So much is going on in our world right now and every day I am shocked by the headlines. And then I remember that there are few things that should shock me at this point. I also remember that I shouldn't complain about certain things that are beyond my control, but I figure it's better to let it out into the vast void.
If you've followed my blog, you can probably guess my feelings on how the election went. Yes, I know it was over a month ago, but things have been busy and I haven't taken the time to sit down and write about. So, here goes. I just want to get it out there into the vast void.
I wasn't excited the night of the election. I wasn't crying tears of joy. I wasn't crying tears of anything. I wasn't in a state of shock, just disappointment. It hit me that everything in our world, not just mine and not just yours but ours, was about to change. I was in Orlando at the time so at least I was at the happiest place on earth!
This was my 3rd Presidential election that I've participated in. I don't know if it's because I'm older that I payed more attention to the events surrounding the election or if it's because the media really sunk their teeth into it and I couldn't get away from it that I payed more attention. Sidenote: is it "paid" or "payed"? I did my background checks and research and didn't vote simply for party affiliation. In my opinion you vote for the person, not the party. Things just didn't add up for me with Obama. They still don't.
I know that when candidates run for the office of President that they promise a lot. They then get into the office and realize, "Oh man! This is a lot different than I thought it was going to be! I'd better change my stance on some things." I understand situations change and have to be re-analyized. I just feel like we got somebody who............I'm not even sure how to finish that.
I think certain things will be realized that weren't realized before and decisions and actions will be made to contradict what the fellow supporters in DC like....that decisions will start to become more centrally-oriented and that supporters will be lost. I'm not referring to voters here, but to the men and women of Congress and Senate.
IDK.....when we have someone promise to fix the economy in just over a year and then come back and say the economy is not doing-so-great....doesn't make my faith stonger in that person!
Alright, I'll stop for now. Can't change the outcome of the vote and I will respect his position as our next President.
16 Days Til Christmas! *<:)